Saturday, March 8, 2014

Type to Learn Software: Various Keyboarding Internet Games

This Stack Cup game is a fun way for students to practice their typing skills. The point of the game is to correctly type the letters and the cups will appear. Students race against their best scores which makes it fun and competitive.

 Dance Mat Typing is a typing internet game from the BBC. Dance Mat Typing has different levels and stages starting with learning the home row, and then moving to more challenging tasks as moving the fingers off the home row.

 Both internet games are currently used in the school I work at. Students use these programs when in the computer lab. I've seen all types of students use this program, including those who have IEP's. Both games are engaging and fun. The Dance Mat Typing program is a bit more structured for different abilities and grade levels. There is also a bit more instruction on how to properly type using the home row, and even shows you the proper hand/finger placement.

1 comment:

  1. Great keyboarding internet games! I really like the Stacking cups game. Adding scoring and competition to learning really helps some/most students stay motivated. I will keep these in mind for keyboarding instruction.
