Monday, March 31, 2014

Past Event Cards: Help Children with Autism Remember Their Day at School

When having to research past event cards for students with Autism, I had no idea what I was looking for. I had worked in an Autistic Support class for two years and have never heard of the term "Past Event Cards". While researching, I realized that I have used them before and are basically a picture schedule with PECTS that tell the student what is coming next, and what has already been done. I have also seen a take home paper that includes what the student's schedule is, what their special was, what they had to eat, if they felt happy/sad in the morning and in the afternoon. This is so that parents have an idea of what goes on in their child's day. I know this is particularly relevant for students in an ABA classroom because most students are non-verbal, and this is the only way teachers can communicate the student's day with the parents, besides making a phone call.

Although I do not plan to work in an ABA classroom, I can see how this communication device would be particularly useful especially when trying to stay in communication with parents at home. 

1 comment:

  1. Brittany,
    I love how you showed an example of the past event cards. I have used these a lot in my experience, and have found them to be extremely helpful with special needs children. Great job!
