When a child is recommended for receiving Assistive Technology
services, it is the IEP team who is responsible for considering that
student's needs. That process involves gather lots of important data on
the child's current environment, abilities and tasks faced, which then
helps the IEP team determine which AT is right for the child. The IEP
team may consider a SETT framework, one of the most popular frameworks
used in the field. The SETT framework identifies the Student, the Environment, the Tasks and the Tools. Before deciding on any technology, the IEP team must take into account
the student's needs, strengths and preferences. If the technology does
not address the student's need, or the student cannot access the
technology then the whole process will go to waste.
The "team" that identifies the best AT for the student can be found in
various models, such as using the IEP team as an AT team, an AT team
that provides assistance and knowledge above and beyond the IEP team, a
consultant that comes in to inform an IEP team on current AT devices, or
an AT coach that guides the IEP team to find the best product for the
student. There are advantages and disadvantages of each model and each
student's situation may require a different approach.
The job is not finished when an AT devices is chosen for the student. The
team must make sure that as the student uses the device, there is data
that is being collected to support this student is making gains with the
device. This process is never really final. There should always be
periods of time where the IEP team reflects on the device to ensure that
the AT is meeting the student's individual need.
I'm glad you mentioned the SETT framework because it does play an important role when assessing a student for AT. Looking at the student, environment, tasks, and tools separately can help find the best fit for the individual.