Monday, April 21, 2014

Assistive Technology for Students in College

Although I have been focusing on students in a prek-12 program in my blog posts, I want readers to know that AT does exist for students who go to college. In fact all of the things I have posted about, graphic organizers for writing and reading, text to speech and speech to text technology, overlays on keyboards, adaptive keyboards, software and applications for computers and iPods are all Assistive Technologies that can help students with disabilities in a College setting.

Reasonable accommodations are also made for students who have disabilities and who have a need for them. A student who is hearing impaired can use an assistive listening device. A student who is blind will be given access to a Braille reader, printer and translation programs. These students might also need a screen magnifier to help with on screen work. For students who may struggle with reading and writing, text to speech software may be used as an auxiliary aid. 

One thing to point out, is that although the college may be required to provide auxiliary aids and services, they are not mandated to give the most sophisticated technology. Therefore the brand of  technology requested may not be the technology that the student receives. As long as the college does provide equivalent services, then they can not be deemed as negligible. 

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